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Research Progress
- Research progress on the prediction tool of SUMOylation sites and SUMO-interacting motifs
- "ORISE" supercomputer facilitates the study of novel 2D cathode materials
- CNIC made progress in portfolio optimization
- CNIC made progress in the research of Continual Relation Extraction
- CNIC made progress in building a corpus of large models-enhanced electrocatalytic reduction and synthesis processes
- CNIC made progress in reasoning on temporal knowledge graphs
- Researcher in CNIC has made progress in the computational research of phonon Boltzmann transport equation
- Advanced Network Development Department makes new progress on proactive congestion control for hyper-speed networks
- Research progress on UAV emergency communication
- Research progress on fine-grained task scheduling algorithms combining DDPG and path selection in LEO satellite networks
- Research progress on fine-grained task scheduling algorithms based on federated learning and graph neural networks in Vehicle Edge Computing
- Research progress on Multipath Scheduler for Low-Delay Applications in 5G Edge Networks
- Research progress on revealing the relationship between the environment and the development of cancer
- Researcher in CNIC Makes Progress in Machine Learning-Assisted Quantum Chemical Calculations with Optimized Load-Balancing
- TransMUSE: Research Progress on Traffic Prediction in Multi-Service Edge Networks